
Get the French wardrobe

This is a goal in progress...

I'm a classic elegance kinda girl, so naturally, when it comes to building the perfect wardrobe, I aim for the timeless French style. Black and red, navy and white. So far, this is what I've managed to achieve:

A black dress: this is not The LBD yet, just a simple A-line dress with a fantastic cut, that I can wear both for the office and for a night out. I found it in a second hand store that sells brand new pieces, as well.

A pair of black shorts: well, this one was actually a mistake. I was so desperate to have a pair of shorts I could wear to the city, that I completely ignored, that it was not the right fit. Usually, I don't do things like that, so that just further proves my desperation. Actually, I could totally ignore this item and leave it off my list of acquisitions, as I practically never wear it.

3 red tops: I was so desperate to have something red, that now I have 3 red tops. Unfortunately, they're all long-sleeved, so now I need a red T-shirt and I really wouldn't mind a red skirt either. Or a pair of red shoes. Or leather gloves.

2 sailor striped tops: I used to have a navy-and-white striped pull, and I'd love to have one again. Well, these 2 are not pulls, just a long and a short-sleeved top, but I'm very very happy with them. I love wearing them with my vintage burnt orange pleated muslin skirt.

So far, so good...

What kind of wardrobe are you building? What are your favourite items in it? Let me know in the Comments below!